Full Trailer for ‘Doctor Who’
The full length trailer for BBC’s Doctor Who came out days ago, giving us a better look on what to expect for the new season.
Neil Gaiman’s ‘American Gods’ Finds a Home on Starz
It wasn’t long ago when news came out that the TV adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s novel, American Gods, was let go by HBO. They said that the writing for the project wasn’t up to par for the standard they wanted for the show, and thus, it didn’t pan out.
Peter Capaldi’s Inspiration for ‘Doctor Who’
Doctor Who super-fan and current Doctor, Peter Capaldi, is not only taking inspiration from earlier Doctors, but apparently also from the most timeless in all creation: David Bowie. According to sources, Capaldi has a scrapbook of ideas, which included using Bowie as a template for his version of the Doctor.
BBC Releases Another ‘Doctor Who’ Teaser
BBC released yet another Doctor Who teaser, giving us another glimpse of Peter Capaldi in the role. He already seems so different from earlier incarnations regenerations.
‘Breaking Bad’ Spinoff ‘Better Call Saul’ Gets a Second Season
Yes, you read that right. Production began for the first season of Better Call Saul and it’s already a go for a second season. Breaking Bad was a proven success, so it’s pretty much a given that the spinoff will have an audience.