The New Doctor on ‘Doctor Who’ Announced Today

By |2019-05-25T14:38:31-08:00August 4th, 2013|

For a while now it’d be hard for anyone to not come across news that Matt Smith is leaving BBC’s popular and long-running show, Doctor Who. Normally, you’d expect his last appearance in the final episode of the new season, but of course that isn’t the case. Instead, his version of the Doctor will regenerate during the Christmas special.


Bobby Singer’s ‘Supernatural’ Return

By |2013-07-16T19:48:44-08:00July 16th, 2013|

Surprisingly, or not-so-surprisingly, the ninth season of Supernatural is bringing back the greatest alcoholic, surrogate father, Bobby Singer. Actor Jim Beaver took to Twitter to share the fantastic news with all the fanatics.


First Episode of Marvel’s ‘Avengers Assemble’ Offered for Free on iTunes

By |2024-12-04T17:09:38-08:00May 21st, 2013|

avengersassembleFans of Marvel have another show to look forward to besides ABC’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Disney XD will air the animated series of Marvel’s Avengers Assemble. It has the same lineup as the movie, The Avengers, along with a couple new additions.

Disney released both a trailer for Avengers Assemble and the first episode on iTunes for free. What better way to show off their new show that premieres May 26?

Click HERE for Avengers Assemble on iTunes.