Comic-Con: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

By |2024-12-04T17:12:49-08:00July 27th, 2010|

The panel for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was entertaining, with a lot of the reason being the director himself, Edgar Wright. He called each cast member out on stage while forcing them to describe their feelings in one word — and had an obsession to ask the audience in attendance if they love chocolate.

Courtesy of Hickey

After all the cast members at hand were situated, Wright informed the attendees that there’s two very special guests that he wanted to introduce — he then announced Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. They walked on stage with arms victoriously raised while the crowd erupted with uproarious cheers. Just before shaking hands with the director, Wright then informed the audience, “And they will not be in the movie . . . nor are they special guests.” Pegg and Frost acted disappointed and sad, pathetically walking backstage while the lights dimmed — with “Aww!” from the crowd in unison.

Courtesy of Hickey

Edgar Wright then finally introduced the star of the film, Michael Cera — who came out in a crude Captain America costume; it was a way to tease cast member Chris Evans who couldn’t make it to the panel due to filming Captain America, and the fans ate it up.

Asked of when he first heard of Scott Pilgrim, Edgar Wright answered that he first caught wind of the comic in 2004 when it came out and instantly fell in love with it. He got in talks with the creator Bryan Lee O’Malley (who participated in the panel) and began work to bring a film adaptation of the comic into fruition.

Wright then went into detail about the fight scenes being approached as video game levels; and that the actors were trained by the likes of accomplished stuntmen — one namely being Brad Allen.

Michael Cera talked about a kiss scene and how he was worried about it — since it was a kiss with another guy — so Edgar Wright did the sensible thing and took him aside and casually kissed him on the lips and said, “See? That isn’t so bad!” Wright then cut in, jokingly adding, “I bet Stallone didn’t kiss any of his cast members!”

At the end of the panel Edgar Wright informed us that the film is shot in 2D and that tickets will be at regular price; the audience cheered; then he excitedly said, “So see it twice!” which garnered louder cheers. The panel came to a close when Wright announced that those in attendance who have a 1-Up button will get to see a screening with him and the cast.

M. Night Shyamalan Snaps at Reporter

By |2024-12-04T17:12:50-08:00July 19th, 2010|

In a press conference in Mexico City, a reporter asked M. Night Shyamalan if choosing a commercial project (The Last Airbender) was a way to restore faith with the audience who believe his work has regressed  throughout the years — his summarized response was, “I think if I thought like you I’d kill myself”.

M. Night Shyamalan completely deflected a valid question from a reporter and went on the defensive. He seems to become delusional that his work has only improved; that general opinion and criticisms are something to scoff at. Shyamalan really should take others’ opinions into account — especially since his latest project, Devil, was met with jeers from audiences during the trailer. His ego is going to end up hurting his career if he doesn’t snap out of it and realize he isn’t the visionary he alludes himself to be.


Bet on Movies Update

By |2024-12-04T17:12:51-08:00July 17th, 2010|

Earlier in the month I wrote a post on the possibility of trades on the box office. On Thursday a financial reform legislation that includes the ban on trading on box office returns has been approved by the U.S. Senate. Now all that’s needed is a signature from President Obama.

Overall it was a smart decision. It would have been easily abused to influence the film industry. It would have been counterproductive with a new focus on trading and less on producing a movie that’s worthwhile — suits screw with film projects enough as is. A film should flourish based on its own merits.

Comic-Con Being Protested

By |2024-12-04T17:12:51-08:00July 16th, 2010|

The hateful Westboro Baptist Church will once again arm themselves with picket signs and this time head to California to protest Comic-Con.

Their reasoning:

“Are you kidding?! If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here. They have turned comic book characters into idols, and worship them they do! Isaiah 2:8 Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: 9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not. It is time to put away the silly vanities and turn to God like you mean it. The destruction of this nation is imminent – so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry.”

For years now Comic-Con has been deviating from comics and encompassing different mediums of entertainment. Westboro Baptist Church is a little behind the times there.

As someone who has been attending Comic-Con for over ten years now, I can safely say that there’s no idolizing going on at the convention. I’ve never seen a fan kowtow before someone — if one had, I’d imagine that security would be swift to drag the person away while other fans ridicule him or her — unless we’re talking Twilight, but that won’t be at Comic-Con this year, so that point is moot.

Comic-Con has always been a way to reach out to the fans and interact. Of course Westboro Baptist Church doesn’t know this — they’re too busy slinging hate left and right at any person who doesn’t identify with their fringe. But hate is paramount for them — they harness hate to further their own interests. It’s no coincidence that they’re constantly protesting and that most of them are lawyers; set one person off to physical confront you, then cry “freedom of speech” and sue the person for assault.

Their protest will be at Comic-Con on Thursday, July 22nd, at 1:15 PM to 2 PM. They’ll have to pick a spot down a few streets if they want a secure spot; otherwise they’ll become lost in the sea of attendees from around the world.

I really doubt that somebody who paid $100 to attend the convention would waste time to get into a scuffle with a fringe — there’s panels, events, and people to see. So let’s hurt them where it’ll hurt most: ignore them, and their “cause” will become inconsequential. Let’s have a great time at Comic-Con.


Bet on Movies

By |2024-12-04T17:12:53-08:00July 7th, 2010|

In June the Trend Exchange got federal approval to trade on box office returns — with the Cantor Exchange following close behind. What this means is that people will essentially be able to invest on the box office acting as a stock market; purchasing “contracts” (shares) before movies open.

Howard Gantman of the MPAA believes that it doesn’t really serve a public purpose, and that it’s open for manipulation that could potentially damage films. According to the MPAA, this is only a form of gambling. Congress can still intervene with the approval.

I’m on the fence with the issue — I can see where Gantman is coming from, but with that worry; film productions would have more incentive to produce quality work. There would be more at stake.

Newcomer Luke Evans Becoming A Leading Man

By |2024-12-04T17:12:56-08:00June 8th, 2010|

The Three Musketeers is being remade by Paul W.S. Anderson with a cast that includes Orlando Bloom and Christoph Waltz. Also in the film will be Luke Evans in the role of Aramis. Evans is a veteran theater actor who just this year made the transition to film — and he’s already scoring lead roles in both independent and big studio movies. It speaks volumes about his craft.

Here’s his Q and A with Movieline.

CEO of NBC Gets an Exit Package

By |2024-12-04T17:12:56-08:00June 4th, 2010|

Comcast is poised to acquire NBC from General Electric. Despite denials from General Electric, sources say that NBC’s CEO Jeff Zucker has been telling friends that a deal has been finalized to give him an exit package. It’s estimated at around $30 million to $40 million. Despite the 28 percent fall in profit, NBC is paying Jeff Zucker for being an effective failure. And keep in mind this is the same man who essentially made the call to bump Conan off the Tonight Show to pander to Leno. Maybe the true American dream is to fail upwards? It seems to be the trend nowadays with suits.

Source: (New York Post)

Pigeon Detained For Spying

By |2012-10-01T18:22:38-08:00June 1st, 2010|

A pigeon with a Pakistani phone number and address stamped on its body has been detained by Indian Police. Allegedly the pigeon landed in India from Pakistan with a message; it’s speculated that the pigeon is a spy. The pigeon refuses to cooperate with officials and won’t speak a word. It’s only a matter of time before it’s subjected to waterboarding. What a brave soul.

Source: (My Fox LA)