The Avengers Shown in Space

By |2024-12-04T17:11:03-08:00May 31st, 2012|

So not only did The Avengers dominate the box office worldwide since its release, but Disney and Marvel intend to take it one step further. They will transfer their film to NASA to uplink to the International Space Station for six cosmonauts currently in orbit.


Thor 2 Moves Forward

By |2024-12-04T17:11:04-08:00May 27th, 2012|

With The Avengers dominating the box office and news on Iron Man 3 making rounds online, Marvel’s Thor 2 has joined the fray with updates. Mads Mikkelsen is in talks with the studio to portray one of the villains in the movie.


Jon Favreau in Iron Man 3

By |2024-12-04T17:11:05-08:00May 24th, 2012|

Jon Favreau directed Iron Man and Iron Man 2 while also acting as Happy Hogan, Tony Stark’s driver in the films. So when Shane Black was announced as the director of Iron Man 3, fans were curious if Favreau would reprise his role as Hogan.

Earlier today Favreau put that question to rest with a simple tweet.

I’m really happy with the news.

Iron Man 3 will release in theaters May 3, 2013.