Man of Steel Trailers

By |2024-12-04T17:10:52-08:00July 24th, 2012|

Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel finally has a presence online and in theaters with two versions of the same trailer. The difference? One has the voiceover by Kevin Costner, who portrays Clark Kent’s adoptive father, Jonathan Kent. The other? It has Russell Crowe as Jor-El, Clark’s biological father.


Comic-Con: Iron Man 3

By |2024-12-04T17:10:53-08:00July 16th, 2012|

Marvel has always been one to go all out for Comic-Con and Iron Man 3 was no different. Right away the lights dimmed and a video began to play, showing producer Kevin Feige at Comic-Con in 2006 discussing the possibility of creating superhero movies where the characters could have crossovers and go as far as an Avengers film. It then cut to another Comic-Con panel of Robert Downey Jr. excitedly talking Iron Man. Clips from the panels of Thor and Captain America then followed. It concluded with the cast of The Avengers together for the first time at Comic-Con and, a shot of the team in the record-breaking film.


Comic-Con 2012 Preview Night

By |2024-12-04T17:10:54-08:00July 12th, 2012|

Photo courtesy of My Flair Pix.

Comic-Con has kicked off with preview night; and every year it feels more and more like a regular day. But it wasn’t a surprise that there were droves of people who wandered the aisles on the convention floor. After all it is Comic-Con.


2012 Comic-Con Floor Map

By |2024-12-04T17:10:56-08:00June 27th, 2012|

Comic-Con is quickly approaching and the event released a map to help attendees navigate the convention floor.

Comic-Con officially beings July 12 and concludes July 15.

As many of you know, I simply cannot wait.

Dredd Trailer Hits

By |2024-12-04T17:10:57-08:00June 21st, 2012|

The trailer for the remake of Judge Dredd has made its way online. This time out, the movie is simply entitled Dredd. It stars Karl Urban as Judge Dredd, Olivia Thirlby as Cassandra Anderson, and Lena Headey as the villainous Ma-Ma.


Hans Zimmer Will Compose for Man of Steel

By |2024-12-04T17:10:58-08:00June 19th, 2012|

In the past Hans Zimmer was asked if he would score the Superman reboot entitled Man of Steel. With Christopher Nolan as the producer, it was safe to assume that Zimmer would compose, right? But then again, Zack Snyder is the one directing. So it wasn’t too surprising when Zimmer initially said he won’t score the movie.
