ABC Orders S.H.I.E.L.D. Pilot with Joss Whedon
It’s clear that both Marvel and Disney are in love with Joss Whedon after the massive success known as The Avengers. So when news came out that they’re moving forward with plans for a television show, it was no surprise that they’d turn to Whedon. The man does have experience in the area — Buffy and Firefly being perfect examples.
Alternate Opening to The Avengers
An alternate opening to The Avengers is online, focusing on Cobie Smulders’ Maria Hill’s interrogation after the attack on New York. It’s a more emotional scene than the Loki one we saw in theaters, and really changes the dynamic between Nick Fury and Maria Hill. It shows that Hill may follow orders, but she has issues with Fury’s command. It takes from the comics; Hill always had a problem with Fury.
Footage from Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Footage from Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance has found its way online. The fun part about it? Scenes of Nicolas Cage in full makeup and flickering LEDs around his head. It’s a psychotic beauty that only Cage can bring.
Batman Maybe Music Video
Are you a fan of Carly Rae Jepsen’s Call Me Maybe and Batman? Of course you are! So do watch this video — that is, if you already saw The Dark Knight Rises. You won’t regret it.
Trailer for Bullet to the Head
A while back I mentioned that Sylvester Stallone will star in a movie with Fast and Furious star Sung Kang. And by “a while back”, I mean over a year ago. Not to worry, this update isn’t about how the project fell through, but rather, it’s well on its way to theaters.
Joss Whedon Directing The Avengers 2 and More
Marvel’s The Avengers not only ruled the summer box office but became one of the biggest movies ever. And why wouldn’t it be? It was the first time superheroes from different movies came together under one title. It didn’t hurt that the cast was full of charismatic actors who clearly had a lot of chemistry together. Then there’s writer and director Joss Whedon, who spearheaded the project.