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So far Timothy has created 1058 blog entries.

Peter Capaldi’s Inspiration for ‘Doctor Who’

By |2024-12-04T17:09:04-08:00July 1st, 2014|

petercapaldidoctorwhoDoctor Who super-fan and current Doctor, Peter Capaldi, is not only taking inspiration from earlier Doctors, but apparently also from the most timeless in all creation: David Bowie. According to sources, Capaldi has a scrapbook of ideas, which included using Bowie as a template for his version of the Doctor.


Upcoming ‘Terminator’ Film Drops ‘Genesis’ From Title

By |2024-12-04T17:09:05-08:00July 1st, 2014|

terminatorrebootThe currently filming Terminator: Genesis film had a slight change in title: Terminator. It is a reboot that makes perfect sense; the franchise played with alternate timelines for years. Emilia Clarke of Game of Thrones stars as Sarah Connor. Jai Courtney joins as Kyle Reese. And yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger is back as the Terminator. Alan Taylor (also of Game of Thrones) directs.
