Per usual, I’m very late to the party, but I digress.
Batman v Superman brought Batman back in the comic book movie fold and kick-started DC’s film universe. Granted, after Justice League, they decided to change gears and not have the movies as connected as their counterpart in Marvel’s cinematic universe. The ongoing movies are more loosely connected instead. One in particular is the change in actor playing Batman.
Ben Affleck will hang up the cowl, but we don’t know who will take over as Bruce Wayne yet. According to Reeves, his version of Batman will be younger; a little closer to his beginning.
I would groan at the though, especially since I was a fan of Affleck’s older, more jaded Batman. But Reeves said this in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter:
People who know me, know that I’m a huge fan of Batman, and that I have always wanted to see the detective side of Batman being in the forefront of the movies. It’s a huge part of his character that was either looked over or just glossed over. More action was chosen over detective work. Don’t get me wrong — I enjoyed the previous films. I just pined for more detective work. I know I’m not the only one. So you can imagine my excitement over what Reeves said.
As for villains, Reeves mentioned that it would have a Rogues Gallery. If it were an action-centric movie, that could be a problem. But since he wants a more detective focused movie, having various villains would enhance the story. A crime happened; who did it? It would add mystery. And if the main focus is the mystery, it would add a unique spin on the superhero genre.
Warner Bros. is giving Matt Reeves the time he needs to lay down the groundwork for The Batman, with no set release date. Nevertheless, I really cannot wait for the world’s greatest detective on the big screen.
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