The animated adaptation of Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One is underway with an announcement of who will voice the main characters. Ben McKenzie will voice Batman/Bruce Wayne, Bryan Cranston as Lieutenant Gordon, Eliza Dushku as Catwoman and Katee Sackhoff will voice Detective Essen. Joining them is Alex Rocco, voicing crime boss Carmine Falcone.
Batman: Year One — as you would guess — deals with Bruce Wayne’s first year as Batman and Jim Gordon’s rise in the Gotham police force.
Animation and Batman veteran Bruce Timm will oversee the adaptation to make sure it remains faithful to the comic. Timm had a hand in the highly successful Batman: The Animated Series, which establishes him as a valuable asset on Year One.
Batman: Year One will premiere this July at Comic-Con (I must be there) and releases on video this fall.
Where’s the “super like” button.