Anime studio MADHOUSE (Death Note, Vampire Hunter D) is set to produce an anime version of Supernatural. It will be a twenty-two episode long season covering the first two seasons of the show along with original episodes created just for the anime. Episodes will be released beginning on January 12, 2011 on DVD and Blu-ray in Japan.
I didn’t expect Supernatural getting an anime version, but it makes perfect sense. The premise is just itching to be an anime: two brothers driving across the country fighting supernatural creatures and saving people. It’s a good fit for the medium. I just hope that it’ll include the classic rock and humor — and not focus too much on the drama. Otherwise it’ll lose the appeal the television show has.
Source: (Anime News Network)
Gasp! The makers of Death Note and Vampire Hunter. They better make it good!
Honestly I dont think this is a very good idea (but im totally gonna watch it anyway). Thematically it makes sense, sure, but the first two seasons had a kind of “these are just normal guys fighting monsters” thing going for it and im afraid that this will turn into a show about post-human super-badasses wreking the shit out of monsters.
I hope im wrong about that.